Your Organization’s Campaign Toolkit

Capital campaigns are used by nonprofits to raise money for large initiatives. While campaigns are an effective way to raise large amounts of money, they can be challenging for small teams due to the sheer amount of time and resources they consume. If your team is considering a capital campaign we will work with your staff and the board to assess your current skills and resources and develop a plan of preliminary activities that need to be completed before undertaking the campaign. For organizations ready to pursue a capital campaign we will customize the project according to your needs. This can include, but not limited to an analysis of your current supporters, list of prospects, campaign case for support, and a strategic campaign plan with timelines.

If you would like to learn more about capital campaigns, read our blog post, Five Key Components to Consider Prior to Launching a Capital Campaign, and learn what your nonprofit will need to consider prior to launching your campaign strategy.

If your organization does not have a budget for consulting, but needs help with fundraising sign up to our weekly newsletter, or check out our free resources where you can find tips and templates to help your nonprofit organization.