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We offer virtual training in the following area(s):

Fundraising 101: How to Find Donors

Description: Finding donors is a critical element of your small organization’s fundraising strategy. Discover how to find donors aligned with your organization's mission in our live four-part workshop, guiding you through individual donors, larger funders, and community members that may be unfamiliar with your cause.

Date and Time: 2024 (TBD)

Cost: $250 – this price includes four in-person sessions along with supplementary course material.

Considering our workshop? Visit our information page for more details to determine if it's right for your small organization.

Donor Stewardship

Description: Donor stewardship is a critical element of your organization’s fundraising strategy. Your ability to be transparent, communicate often and share future plans with donors will help you develop valuable, long-term relationships which can help with retaining those donors in the future.

Date and Time: This course, in partnership with CharityVillage, is on-demand, meaning that you can take it anytime, at your own pace. The course will take approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to complete from start to finish. You have one year (365 days) to complete the course from the date of purchase before it will automatically expire in your account. However, once you open a course for the very first time, you will have unlimited access to complete the course within 3 months. You can choose to take the course in one sitting or in smaller bites.

Cost: $99 – this price includes unlimited access to the course for 3 months and all the course downloads.

Register here


in the community

We value working with wonderful partners in the community including The United Way Winnipeg Learning Centre and CharityVillage. To see our speaking schedule, view the calendar below. To book, contact us.